Why A Wellness Routine Is Vital To Your Well Being
Making Wellness A Priority
A wellness routine is an important part of self-care for black women 35 and over. Wellness routines help to prioritize physical, mental, and emotional needs and can help facilitate healthy lifestyle habits. This is especially true as we age, as our body's needs and abilities change.
Wellness routines can help us to stay connected to our bodies and ensure we are taking the necessary steps to care for it. Taking the time to exercise, get adequate sleep, eat healthy, and practice stress management can help us to stay healthy, prevent or manage chronic diseases, and ensure our overall well being.
five tips on how to incorporate wellness into our daily routines
Prioritize getting enough sleep - aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
Make time for physical activity - try to include at least 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine.
Incorporate healthy eating habits - fill your diet with nutrient-dense foods and avoid processed foods.
Take regular breaks - use your breaks to practice mindful activities such as yoga or meditation.
Make time for self-care - set aside time each day to take care of yourself and do something you enjoy.